Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day 22: Massive Online MLM Success

Getting started with Online MLM Secrets is beautifully laid out in the back office once you sign up as an affiliate. Becoming an affiliate of Online MLM Secrets is free and you earn $100 per sale of the mastermind course.

Then follow these instructions (this is my edited version of what I found in my back office at Online MLM Secrets:

1. Write a review of WHAT YOU HAVE USED, letting people know how good it is. Include your affiliate link at the end of the review. Post your review to free sites such as & ALL sites that you control where such an article would be appropriate. Include your affiliate link at the top and bottom. See lists below for examples.
2. Create a free blog at, and post your review including your affiliate link. Then "ping" your blog at a site such as, so it gets picked up quickly by search engines.
2.1 Hey and while you're at it stumble it ( and also put it in the appropriate StumbleUpon forum. If there is more than one forum that's a good fit, post different versions in different forums.
3. Join, and make frequent CONTRIBUTIONS (no garbage) to popular threads there. Be sure to go into your forum profile and edit your "signature". Make a signature that includes your affiliate link, or a link to your own "review" website of our product. That way, every time you make a post, anyone who sees it will see your signature and potentially click on your affiliate link.
4. Once a month like clockwork post a press release at, in which you include your favorable review, along with your affiliate link. If you pay them $80, they will guarantee that your press release is picked up by all major search engines, potentially sending you thousands of visitors.
5. If you own an email list of newsletter subscribers or other people who have opted in to receive email offers from you, send them an email telling them about our website, and feel free to use some text from our homepage in your email. Include your affiliate link at the end of the email. As an Online MLM Secrets affiliate you can even use the email sample provided in your back office.
6. Pay-Per-Click (PPC): Using a PPC account from Google Adwords. Here are the key words of the landing page that such an ad should contain: MLM network marketing. Also look at the page that your affiliate link leads people to...what words or phrases jump out in the first line of copy? Anyway you're going to have to come up with two lines of copy for your Adwords ad and its good to use words/phrase that the visitor will see immediately upon clicking through and it's god to use words that the seeker is actually typing in their Google search. If you're not already schooled in long tails and whatnot I recommend that you do all of the free stuff first and THEN only do the pay stuff when you're getting advice from an expert who has made money doing whatever it is he/she is telling you to do. You can either send people directly to Online MLM Secrets using your affiliate link in your PPC ads, or you can create your own website in which you have a review of our product, followed by your affiliate tracking link.
7. Educate yourself with one of the Masters, Rosalind Gardiner
Being an affiliate is not exceptionally difficult, but there are many tricks and techniques that can improve your results. Learn from the best - Super Affiliate Handbook is highly recommended reading for every affiliate.

You will have much better conversion if you'll put your visitors into pre-sold mood before sending them to our site. Pre-sold mood means that you build interest in product and visitor has decided to potentially buy it after he reads your product review. Choose from various types of product descriptions, download and adjust them to fit the site where you are publishing your review. The language should be from the heart, authentic, like you're having a conversation, talking to a friend.

Your article should draw attention, build curiosity or allow the reader to see that they may have indeed found the solution to their problem. So you want to make sure to present the benefits.

Experimenting with fonts, colors, words and phrases is fine and repeat what is yielding you more click throughs and more closed transactions. If along the way, you find something that has already been tested jump on it. IMHO experimentation is a time waster if you can latch onto the results of someone else's experiments.

Let that blog that you're creating be your notebook. You're going to need to take good notes because you'll want to know what makes sense to do more of and what makes sense to stop altogether so you need to keep track of where you closed transactions are coming from and also keep tract of how you are doing some things, especially if some of this stuff is brand new. Keeping notes will allow you to repeat or avoid certain techniques in the future.

Also if you already have websites where an article, blog post, and/or sidebar link would be appropriate regarding this product, and then execute all of those as well.

I plan to add links to:
  1. MySpace,
  2. Leave America,
  3. MyBlogLog,
  4. Blog Catalog,
  5. StumbleUpon,
  6. Stumble Upon Forum1,
  7. Stumble Upon Forum 2,
  8. Make Money Online,
  9. Affiliate Center,
  10. Get Guard It dot Com
  11. 28 Day Personal Challenge

I added posts with links to:
  1. MySpace,
  2. Leave America,
  3. MyBlogLog,
  4. Blog Catalog,
  5. StumbleUpon,
  6. Stumble Upon Forum 1,
  7. Stumble Upon Forum 2,
  8. Make Money Online,
  9. Affiliate Center,
  10. Get Guard It odot Com
  11. 28 Day Personal Challenge

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